Preventing repetitive strain injury (RSI) in the workplace

We have helped to prevent RSI in countless workplaces all over the world.
Back to Back was established in 1991, specialising in preventing RSI in the workplace. We are a consultant for many large companies across the UK, helping to reduce the risk of RSI in many professions.

Why is it important to prevent RSI?

Since 1992, it has been a legal requirement for employees to provide computer based office staff with a safe workplace (1992 E.C VDU Directive). Each year, around 100,000 successful computer related RSI claims are filed, resulting in thousands of pounds being paid in compensation. Improve health and safety in your work place, and reduce costs.

In England alone, an estimated 2.5 million work days are lost due to RSI, and it is now the most common cause of occupation related absenteeism in the developed world.

How our on-site RSI prevention programme works:

  • 1.5 hour talks on RSI prevention
  • Explanation of basic health and safety law
  • Individual or group physical and ergonomic assessments for staff at their work stations
  • Display screen equipment risk assessment training for your staff
  • Training in self-assessment at your work station

For more information about Back to Back, please click here.

RSI Prevention - South London, England - Back to Back - RSI Prevention Training
For a healthy, happy workplace, prevent RSI and call us today on 07931 360 399
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